Lesson 17 - Searching for files

Lesson 17: Searching for files using find

The command find automates traversing the file system from the given starting point to search for files (or directories) that match test criteria such as filename, owner or time range. If a starting point is not passed to find, all files and directories in and below the current directory are printed (the current working directory) is assumed.

An action is required to tell find what to do with each file that matches the test criteria. The default behaviour is to print matches to the terminal (identical to -print) however, other actions can be used such as -delete (to delete matching files) and -exec (execute command on matching files), etc. See the manual page for more options.

Let's find the file earth.txt whilst the current working directory is ~. The test criteria for matching filenames is -name.

[learner planets]$ cd ~
[learner ~]$ find -name earth.txt

Wildcards can be used if parts of the test are known, for example a partial filename.

[learner ~]$ find -name e*h.txt