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Installing personal applications

Now you have a personal configuration scope in place, you can use it to install personal versions of applications you require from Spack. It will also allow you to install more specific variants.

Below is a table of the most common options for the spec and install commands, which we be explained in more detail in the coming examples.

Option Description Example
@ version specifier @6.3
% compiler specifier %gcc@12.2.0
+ or ~ variant specifiers for boolean variants +cuda
name=<value> variant specifiers that aren’t restricted to boolean variants cuda_arch=70,80,90
name=<value> compiler flag specifiers cppflags=-O3
target=<value> architecture specifier target=x86_64_v4
^ dependency specs ^openmpi

For more extensive documentation, please refer to the official Spack Command Reference.

It's best to follow through all of the examples that follow, even if you might not personally need the applications that are installed, as they should give you a good foundation for installing personal versions of any applications you may require from Spack.