Next steps¶
Now you have completed this tutorial, you should be in a strong position to compile your own variants of any applications packaged by Spack. You may also wish to continue onto the Spack Environments tutorial which follows, now that you have a foundational understanding of Spack.
If you have any questions regarding the use of Spack on Apocrita, you can
contact us on our
Slack (QMUL users only) - there is a
specific #spack
channel for Spack queries. You can also send an email to which
is handled directly by staff with relevant expertise.
In addition, Spack has a large community and we may in fact sometimes ask you to raise an issue in their GitHub repository. Spack also has a Slack which is very active and has a lot a different channels for specific queries, so if you think you are going to make Spack a big part of your Apocrita usage, it would be well worth joining.